10 Online HTML5 Tools For Web Designers | Tools


If you haven’t heard, HTML5 is taking the web by storm! It is currently being enhanced by experts to provide us Web Designers & Developers with awesome new revolutionary web page features!

HTML5 Background Information

For those of you who are new to HTML5, here is some quick background information to get you up to speed.

  • HTML5 is the new language for presenting content on the Internet (at the time of writing this article it is still in beta but soon to be released in 2012).
  • HTML5 brings new features making it easy to incorporate video, audio, fonts, drag & drop, web graphics & animations into your web pages.
  • HTML5 is backwards compatible to don’t worry about your old designs in HTML 4 or XHML1 they will work just the same!
  • jQuery has started killing Flash, HTML5 will finish it off for sure.

10 Online HTML5 Tools For Web Designers

HTML5 Online Tools & Resources

Not known to many web designers, there are some really good online tools & resources which web designers should definitely take advantage of to help create those new innovative designs and stay ahead of the field! We have collected 10 of the best Online HTML 5 Tools & Resources for Web Designers. Enjoy!

Online Sprite Box Tool

Compressing images is all the rage these days and putting all your images in a “sprite” will both increase the speed of your image transitions and loading times. This Online Sprite Box Tool can help you design your images into sprites using this awesome jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5 tool.

html5 sprite box

Online 3D Sketch Tool

This is no ordinary sketch tool, it uses the power of HTML Canvas to create 3D drawing. To rotate the canvas in 3D, you need to hold down SPACE and then DRAG horizontally with your cursor. You can also make the drawing vibrate and draw in dashed lines too. Pretty Cool.

html5 sketch

Online Font Testing Tool

As a designer, choosing a decent font can be a tough process! Use this awesome font bookmark to instantly view any web page in a new font without changing any HTML or CSS! Harness the power of HTML5 and @font-face by dragging the font.ttf files into the top toolbar and they will appear in a list for quick view. There are hundreds of free websites just type in “Free Fonts” into Google.

html5 Fonts

Online Velocity Sketch Tool

Velocity sketch is a unique online HTML5 canvas drawing tool which you can create strange looking web like things. I did a quick one (in the screenshot) but I’m sure you web designers can be creative with such a tool and create something quite awesome.

html5 velocity sketch

Online Pattern Generator Tool

This online tool coule be pretty useful for web designers when it comes to creating page and header backgrounds or even heading backgrounds. I uses the power of HTML canvas to provide you with the pattern your looking for in seconds! It has heaps of options and is really easy to use! Great stuff.

html5 patternizer

Online XRay Tool

With Online XRay Tool can quickly view details of page elements on any webpage at the click of a button! Simply drag the bookmarklet on their website into your bookmarks, visit the webpage you want to analyse, click Xray bookmar then click any element on the page. It also can handle HTML5 elements such as canvas and provide you with the design information you need.

html5 XRay

Online Automatoon (animation) Tool

Automatoon is pure HTML5. Since no Flash is used, your animations will play just fine on iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and all common web browsers. Awesome-atoon!


Online HTML5 Audio Maker Tool

I think with the introduction of the the audio tag in HTML5 we will start seeing more and more websites utilize the power of audio. This is an online audio maker tool which can help introduce you to the new audio features HTML5 has to offer. There is also a online HTML5 video maker tool which does a similar thing.

html5 audio maker

For more go over here 10 Online HTML5 Tools For Web Designers | Tools.

No Technical Know-How Needed: Endless Forms Web Site Helps Users ‘Breed’ 3-D Printable Objects

Forget draft tables and complicated computer-aided design programs: You dream it. Endless Forms helps you design it.

Cornell University engineers are allowing anyone to point, click, collaborate and create online in the evolution of printable, three-dimensional objects. They aim to transform the design of art, architecture and artificial intelligence.

Their new, interactive website EndlessForms.com, allows users to design their own things — from lamps and butterflies to furniture and faces — without any technical knowledge and using the same principles that guide evolutionary biology.

The Web site was developed by Jeff Clune, Cornell postdoctoral fellow; Jason Yosinski, Cornell graduate student in engineering; and Eugene Doan, Cornell undergraduate student in the Creative Machines lab of Hod Lipson, Cornell associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and computing and information science.

EndlessForms users can develop objects just as gardeners raise roses — a “generation” of objects is displayed, and a user chooses objects they like, which are “bred” to produce the next generation. Over time, objects evolve and users can publish these objects. Others can further evolve, share and rate them, creating a collaborative exploration of designs that, according to Lipson, represents an entirely new way of thinking about design. Users can then have their objects made by 3-D printing companies in a wide range of materials, such as silver, steel, ceramic or sandstone.

The concept eliminates the need for skilled engineers to draw in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) programs, which can be complicated and non-intuitive. These new design tools free people to focus creativity, instead of being mired in technical details, Lipson said.

Now that 3-D printing is taking off, the goal is to unshackle the design process, flooding the industry with objects that are truly one of a kind. Lipson likens the 3-D printing industry to iPods with no music — the printers exist, but the availability of content is bottlenecked by the old methods like CAD that few people know how to use and that stifle creativity.

read more : Here

Go to EndlessForms.com to try it out yourself!!

Tell the Time Using Only Your Breath

Wouldn’t it be great to feel powerful, at least as far as your gadgets are concerned? The Eole watch is a timepiece designed by Julien Moise that works under the user’s own breath power. The delicate rotating bit moves with nothing more than a gentle puff of air from the wearer’s lungs.

While the watch’s parts are sitting still the display is blank. But when the wearer exhales, the tiny rotor turns and enough electricity is generated to turn on the delicate-looking display for a moment, giving you just enough time to see whether you’re late for that appointment.



read more: Here

In Cognito Umbrella As An Alternative to Burqa

As a rule in Muslim community that no woman should act nor dress in a way appeals the opposite sex, especially in a public place, the concept of Burqa came into existence. Perhaps, certain countries necessitate the woman wear Burqa at any cost otherwise people out there consider it as illegal for women. It is a piece of cloth that covers the entire body, hiding the face totally, except for a grille to allow the wearer to see. However, wearing Burqa all the time can be quite frustrating. In order to get rid of this, In Cognito was designed. It is an umbrella made of transparent fabric over which is inseminated an Islamic pattern, a mousharabiyeh. Made as an excellent alternative for the cover of women who are tired of wearing the Burqa and fed up with its physically impositions. Those small openings in the cloth allow women to see via the umbrella without being watched by others. In Cognito is not just a solution, however, an accessory emphasizing the issue of the Burqa.

Designer : Tamara Barrage

In-Cognito Umbrella

In-Cognito Umbrella

What do you think? A good idea or Not so,

(maybe an idea for celebrities who want to stay annonymous?)

 apart from it being Totally woman unfriendly should some men actually permanently walk with this around.?


Read nore over Here:

Walking Table by Wouter Scheublin

It is definitely tough to be a design blogger. The man in question behind the creation of a cool, walking table is designer Wouter Scheublin. The new Walking Table is quintessentially Dutch, exceptionally functional, aesthetically pioneering, and yet appealingly strange table that produces strong opinions. The table is a cautiously crafted piece of furniture, which shows the exquisiteness of mechanics. It comes to life when pushed and mimics an innate walking motion, mystifying our perception of the typically static piece of furniture. As the name suggests, the Walking Table is human-powered, integrating a mechanical linkage. It is accessible in a walnut edition of only 8 pieces, each delicately crafted from selected materials.

Designer : Wouter Scheublin


Walking Table

Walking Table

Too Odd Or Distinctly ArtFull?

See more over here and Here

Electric Hyper Touch Guitar Replaces The Strings with Multi-Touch Screen

As sleek as it looks, the new Hyper Touch Guitar is amply customizable and flexible to musician needs as well. A multi-touch screen has replaced the strings and allows myriad possibilities of expression via perfect instrument customization. Without having to worry about changing the strings and sound effects, the electric hyper touch guitar acts as a wireless command center from which you can manage your music. Well, the design maintains its iconic shape of standard electric guitars with additional enhancements and improvisation. Some controls including tone, volume as well as tremolo are maintained for rapid and intuitive use. It offers ease in handling and adapts greatly to musician needs.

Designer : Massimo Battaglia


Hyper Touch Guitar

Hyper Touch Guitar

Hyper Touch Guitar

Hyper Touch Guitar

Not sure if the Hardcore musician is going to be happy with this development though! 🙂

See More over here:

165 Awesome jQuery Sliders and Other Useful jQuery Effects

jQuery library has undoubtedly made the life of JavaScript programmers easier and made it possible for non-experts to do fancy stuff themselves. With jQuery, we can do a lot of really advanced and dynamic things by writing just few lines of codes. Since its arrival, jQuery has revolutionized the way we do a great variety of web designing and developing tasks. With jQuery, we can create not only simple photo gallery or slides but also some fancy animation schemes using texts and other objects.

Because jQuery effects work wonders in our designs, it makes sense that we take steps to acquire a sizeable collection of ready to use plugins in various categories. To make things easy, we are showcasing a substantial array of awesome jQuery effects web designers and developers must have so that they can save time in finding the right solution for their design concepts.

Take a look at this amazing round-up of jQuery effects and enjoy!

via tripwiremagazine.

 Full Page Image Gallery with jQueryimage

This is a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. This works with thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically when the user moves the mouse. When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center of the page and the full screen image is loaded in the background. Now the user can move up and down and the image will get scrolled automatically, giving him the opportunity to see all of the image.

 Bubbleriffic Image Gallery with jQueryimage

With Bubbleriffic you can create a bubbly image gallery that shows your images in a unique way. The idea is to show the thumbnails of albums in a rounded fashion allowing the user to scroll them automatically by moving the mouse. Clicking on a thumbnail will zoom in a big circle and the full image which will be automatically resized to fit into the screen. Navigating through the images will slide the current image to the side and make the new one appear in a zoom like fashion.

 Panning Slideshow


This slideshow has the ability to showcase imagery automatically. This is a twist from classic slideshows which uses a kind of transition to animate between slides.

 Coin Slider


This unique slider features smooth transition effects and is compatible with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+

 Sliding Boxes and Captions


The animation of the sliding element of this plugin either show or cover up the viewing area, thus creating the sliding effect.

 Sideways – Fullscreen Galleryimage

Sideways is a simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS.



Piecemaker is a open source Flash image slider that displays images with 3D slice effects. The slide images  can be  configured from a XML file like setting the tween type, distance, time, delay, etc.

 Magic Scroller


Scroll your elements with this nice effect which is easy to install. With magic scroller, you can scroll your display vertically to expose its elements, iframes, or imáges. As a precondition all the elements have to be of equal size, and the mask needs to be proportional to the elements per row.

 Zoomer Gallery jQuery Pluginimage

This jQuery effect, zooms your images inside a beautiful gallery once your mouse is on top of it. It does so in a flashy zoom style.



Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. Its goal is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.

 Contextual Slideout Tips With jQuery & CSS3image

This effect is an easily configurable set of contextual slideouts. Each can be opened in one of four directions – bottom-right (default), bottom-left, top-left and top-right, and each can be in one of three colors – green (default), blue, and red.

 Animated fullscreen background image slideshowimage

Changing the background can be done using this effect. A nice textbox can also be added to show information which is simultaneously displayed with the background.

 Background Image Navigation with jQueryimage

This is a beautiful navigation that has a background image slide effect. It has three list items that contain the same background image but with a different position. The background image for each item is animated to slide into place in different times, creating a really nice effect.

 jReel Gallery


This little jQuery image gallery plugin recreates the standard built-in window scrolling with a smooth easing effect.

 Dynamic PNG shadow position & opacity with jQueryimage

In this animation, you can drag objects and place them anywhere you want. It also features a switch that can be turned on to amaze your visitors.

For Much more handsomeness: Head over here!

30 Outstanding Tutorials for Photo Manipulation in Photoshop



Scratch Art: U.S. Dollars Sculpted Into Incredible Works

Where art is concerned, is the medium as important as the message? In his 2011 exhibition Noblesse Oblige, tattoo artist Scott Campbell explores some unconventional materials that call into question our perceptions of that unique relationship. His series of carvings made of uncut U.S. currency throw together unparalleled opulence (wasting money) and working-class imagery.


Campbell’s history as a tattoo artist shows through in the images he carves into huge stacks of American money. Relying heavily on skulls, skeletons, butterflies and other pictures that would be at home in the pages of a flash book in a tattoo studio, these unusual sculptures are truly a study in differences.

These pieces, with their tattoo art sensibilities and the over-the-top abundance of their materials, present a strange type of experience for fine art lovers. Much like the artists who paint with their own blood or box up their own excrement, the medium changes the message.

Read more over here: Via weburbanist

Sintel: Stunning ShortMovie created with Free OpenSource Software From Blender Community.

“Sintel” is an independently produced short film, initiated by the Blender Foundation as a means to further improve and validate the free/open source 3D creation suite Blender. With initial funding provided by 1000s of donations via the internet community, it has again proven to be a viable development model for both open 3D technology as for independent animation film.

This 15 minute film has been realized in the studio of the Amsterdam Blender Institute, by an international team of artists and developers. In addition to that, several crucial technical and creative targets have been realized online, by developers and artists and teams all over the world.www.sintel.org.

If You haven’t already seen this beautifully created ShortMovie : Sintel, created by artists from the Blender OpenSource Community, You should go watch it immediately. 

A ShortMovie, Brilliantly created and possibly with the most emotions displayed in just under 14 minutes.

The end soundtrack (oh, sigh)Soundtrack from “Sintel” Short Movie, by the Durian Open Movie Project.
Composed by Jan Morgenstern, Lyrics by Esther Wouda, performed by Helena Fix.
All Credits go to the Composer/Writer/Performer(s) and the Durian Team.

Blender is an OpenSource 3D Software programme, you just have to try:

Go Over here to download it or just satisfy your curiosity first: http://www.blender.org/


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